Firstfill Gas Filler
The Firstfill is an introductory gas filler for customers wanting to make low volumes of Argon filled insulated glass units. It has a flow rate of 10 litres a minute and uses the two hole filling method.
Closely moddelled on the larger Interfill machine the Firstfill features the same quick reaction gas sensor as used in the rest of the Inagas range. Firstfill features include a vacuum gas sensor pump, semi-auto calibration, adjustable gas fill targets and IG production statistics.
H 141mm x W 200mm x D 450mm
100mm touch screen control
Visual and audible signal on completion of fill
Manual calibration of sensor
Ability to change gas fill percentages
Flow Rate: Up to 10 litres per minute
Two hole filling
Vertical filling
Optional mobile trolley
Optional 1.5mm filling lance for narrow units
Fill times
Unit size 1000mm x 1000mm x 15.5mm
Two hole filling 185 seconds
Touch Screens
A 100mm touch screen gives a live display of the timed gas filling process and is also used to access the menu screen. From the menu screen gas percentage levels, statistic info and calibration features can be accessed.